Connected Conversation Roundtable

How can you thrive in business as a coach/consultant who is also an introvert, empath, and/or HSP?

Join the LIVE Discussion!
August 9, 2021 | 3-4p ET | via Zoom

Woohoo! Grab Your Seat!

Woohoo! Grab Your Seat!

The Joyful Marketing Blueprint has the power to completely revolutionize your business, bank account, and life.

In the Joyful Marketing Blueprint Workshop you will:

  • Discover how to connect and communicate with more of your perfect-fit clients (and attract them by leading with joy and possibilities)
  • Learn how to turn these leads into paying, happy clients
  • Begin filling in your own Joyful Marketing Blueprint, so you can start implementing it right away in your business
  • Stop the frustration and overwhelm when it comes to attracting clients

Join me in this 75 minute workshop and learn how the Joyful Marketing Methodology has TRANSFORMED 1000s of coaching and consulting businesses (and their bank accounts).

(Yes, there will be a replay for this event. But the REAL magic happens LIVE!)

Woohoo! Grab Your Seat!

Woohoo! Grab Your Seat!

M. Shannon Hernandez

Meet Your Mentors

M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager are ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz—and this duo is specifically known around the globe for their joyful marketing strategies, including the Content Personality® Wheel. They specialize in teaching their clients how to create values-driven, organic marketing oozing with integrity, so that they call in their perfect-fit clients with a simple, sustainable, and joyful marketing plan.

Shannon is the founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, the Co-Founder the Content Personality® Club, and a sought after expert in the world of marketing and business strategy. She has been called “The Queen of Organic Marketing”, growing nearly a $1 million dollar/year brand with zero ad spend and high profitability. Her expertise has been featured on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC. She has over 25 years in award-winning curriculum design, working with both the NFL & U.S. Military, and she is a master trainer and teacher.

Amy, a true marketer and community builder at heart, and Co-Founder of The Content Personality® Club, helps clients apply simple strategies for increased revenue and productivity. When this dynamic duo is not working with their clients, you will find them funding projects that impact the world and its people, visiting wineries, and traveling the world.